Position paper on European industrial policy

In a joint position paper with BUND, Deutsche Umwelthilfe, Natureplus, Germanwatch, NABU, WWF and Runder Tisch Reparatur, the DNR emphasizes the importance of a framework for climate-neutral energy as part of the European Green Deal.
The core demands of the environmental organizations include
1. resource-conserving circular economy at the center of a European industrial strategy
To this end
a) a European resource protection law;
b) the consistent implementation of circular economy principles; and
c) a sustainable product policy is necessary.
2. a financing model for industrial transformation
From the organizations' perspective, this requires
a) consistent implementation of the European Emissions Trading System (ETS);
b) the creation of green lead markets;
c) European climate protection agreements (Carbon Contracts for Difference, CCfDs);
d) the integration of the European electricity market; and
e) the mobilization of private investment.
3) The promotion of corporate transformation and climate-friendly employment
This requires the consistent implementation of binding transition plans as well as jobs and further training that contribute to climate protection.
Position paper on European industrial policy
Forderungspapier zur europäischen Industriepolitik-EN (128 KB)